記事個別表示 (2623)
これは「border の有無でマージン相殺が変わる | 水無月ばけらのえび日記」に関連するコメントです。
[2623] Re: 「border の有無でマージン相殺が変わる」
さか (2005年2月28日 12時45分)
CSS2.1 の 8.3.1 と 10.6.3 では、曖昧さ改善されたようです。
CSS2.1 section 10.6.3 Block-level non-replaced elements in normal flow when 'overflow' computes to 'visible'
>If it has block-level children, the height is the distance between the top border-edge of the topmost block-level child box that doesn't have margins collapsed through it and the bottom border-edge of the bottommost block-level child box that doesn't have margins collapsed through it. However, if the element has a non-zero top padding and/or top border, or is the root element, then the content starts at the top margin edge of the topmost child. (The first case expresses the fact that the top and bottom margins of the element collapse with those of the topmost and bottommost children, while in the second case the presence of the padding/border prevents the top margins from collapsing.) Similarly, if the element has a non-zero bottom padding and/or bottom border, then the content ends at the bottom margin edge of the bottommost child.
"that doesn't have margins collapsed through it"
"through it" というのが、何を示しているのか分らないのです。
section 8.3.1 も読んでみましたが、結局わかりませんでした。
CSS2.1 section 8.3.1 Collapsing margins
>If the top and bottom margins of a box are adjoining, then it is possible for margins to collapse through it.
これは「水無月ばけらのえび日記 : border の有無でマージン相殺が変わる」に関連するコメントです。
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